I actually researched this.
For one whole day, I did my best to record every single question I was asked. This was no small task, particularly after my friends and family found out ("Wouldn't it be funny if I asked you lots and lots of questions just to annoy you? Huh? Wouldn't it? Well? Can you hear me? How about it, Naddie? Is blond your natural hair color? How annoyed were you when I asked you that? On a scale of 1-10, how annoyed were you? Why are you trying to hit me with your notebook, Naddie?"). Anyway, I analysed the data, and found that I was asked the following three questions most frequently.
1. Huh?
2. Why?
3. What is the velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut?
I know the answers to none of these. If you know the answers and can enlighten me, please comment.